
Cake Walk and Fall Activities

Today was our cake walk. The students has some AMAZING cakes. I was so impressed. We also had fun with Pumpkin Arrays and Bat Wing Stew to work on our multiplication.




Book Reports

What creative minds we have! Our book reports were wonderful. Students focused on Character, Setting, Problem, Resolution, and Summary for this report. The products were very thought out.
Way to go!!


Mystery Mail and Dead Words

We have been working on a ton of reading strategies. Last week we received some Mystery Mail and worked on our inferencing. This week we are working on writing and talked about words that are used too often. We are calling these words, Dead Words, and know not to use them in out writing anymore. We are using our voices more now. This is really coming in handy with our persuasive papers. We are all real estate agents trying to persuade people to buy a haunted house.



Each student was give a task. Go to the grocery store with $300. Subtract your products until you get as close to $0 as possible. This was a blast and we really worked hard on our subtraction!
Also, ask you student to sing the "Double Zero, We Can Win" and "Cross it Out Add Ten" songs.


Dice Addition

We are reviewing addition and rounding. We are working on 3-digit addition in class. Soon we will be moving to subtraction.
Ask your student to sing our estimation song.
"Estimate, About, About, Means Rounding, About, About.  Estimate, About, About, Means Rounding, About, About. First you round..... then you add....  First you round..... then subtract.... First you round..... then multiply....  First you round..... then divide....   Estimate, About, About, Means Rounding, About, About. Estimate, About, About, Means Rounding, About, About."
Today we reviewed and practiced addition by rolling the dice.

Energy! Energy! Energy!

Energy! Energy! Energy!
Currently we are studying Energy in Science. Last week we talked about Sound Energy. We played with sound eggs, went on a sound walk, learned how sound travels from a drum to our ear, and discussed sounds that come from nature vs. sounds that are man made.
Now we are talking about Light Energy. Shadows, reflection, refraction, absorption, and prisms are just a few of the cool things we are talking about. Check out out lesson on reflection below. Students were able to see how light bounces off a mirror and reflects an image for our eyes to see.